La storia è questa: Ti fai condizionare dalle cose sbagliate, perché sembrano inoffensive.
E finisce che dimentichi che la persona più importante sei TU.
Grazie Deep Impact / IG @deepimpact_dancers
Grazie Aries Ballet / IG @AriesBallet
This is the story: you let all the wrong things affect you, because they all look harmless at first. And in the end you forget the most important person is YOU.
Concept/Choreo/Direction: Olivia Lucchini / IG @ollirules
Dancers: Giacomo / IG @the8cosmos & Martina “Piccola Pette” / IG @pxssycatttt
Shooting and editing: Carlo / IG @carlo.geppi
Music: Toxic – Covered by the talented Valentin Yomba